on the away i leave a manga "sad love story", this book tells the story was really nice
I could not sleep the whole train ride, because it was so wonderful
I could not sleep the whole train ride, because it was so wonderful
i meet last sunday my friends in düsseldorf, im was so nervous and happy to see her all

later we go to a cafe and yuki, ina and me eat strawberry cake
and jessi eat a wonderful chocolate cake with gold ( gold tastes like nothing, i have eat a little bit)
the strawberry cake was so delicous *yummy*
Here you can see pics of the day
Yuki, Ina and me <3 i love you wonderful cuties
Crazy Yuki and me, she wants to eat me *hihi*
Ina and me, thats the best pic of us, you look so cute <3
I have to be able to get to know me happy you closer
I have to be able to get to know me happy you closer
Little Shooting
Find the error ?!
Sui and me <3 thats a pic on the trainstation, we have been waiting
it was nice to still have a little talk with her, as they later came to
Sui and me in the "SIX" Shop yeay
wonderful christmas tree
And the last but not least
my train was only half an hour to later, because of technical problems
my train was only half an hour to later, because of technical problems
that the german train *grrr* i hate it
the last time in düsseldorf i have the same shit
on the way back I was still the end of the manga, and almost cried. I'll let another manga continues "Der Duf der Apfelblüte" it was so cute, i love love mangas, im so alone Q_Q meep.....and this is so heartwarmingI've taken, I fit into my btssb dress back inside *thihihi* im so happy
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