Hello Cuties
im so sorry, I have not posted for so long.....
i have a virus on my pc and my brother had not time for help me
but on monday he makes my pc
then I can get back online more often, not just on mobile phone
im so sorry cuties
i´ve missed you
I want to tell you so much
a week ago i was with my friend "mutsumi" in city road,
we were in the Kaufhof and have looked at things halloween
there I am in love with this skeleton XD
so crazy....muhahahaUnfortunately, it was very expensive, 30 euros is a lot of money
but im happy i have a pic with him....yeay....
I felt like it so bad, I contract no more fast food
but i like the DJ PIZZA
My Nails from Conny

so wonderful, i love it
But since I have some time, they are broken and are renewed on Monday

yeayyyy halloween, was so good, i like it

my vampireteeth not hold on my teeth
Q_Q so shit....
but i have a pic with teeth,
you can see on right site --->

but i find i look sexy with my outfit... without vampire teeth
what do you think about it?
I and my friends Anna and Muts went to a party of our friend Nora
There was a lot of fun with friends to drink, to eat and to talk, much better than disco
I am very glad to have been there
(maxi,muts anna, nora and me <3)
best pic of this night, looks like a puri
and me)

Good night
my cuties <3
your Sashi
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